After a couple of hours at the park, we had planned to eat at a favorite, local pizza joint. Unfortunately, we forgot it is closed on Mondays. So we the kids ate Taco Bell instead. I waited until we got home so I could fix myself something a bit healthier. And then I proceeded to eat my weight in Muddy Buddies. *sigh*
In other news, we went to my brother-in-law's house last weekend. He has a garden, and he very generously shared a bit of his harvest. I was super excited about this spaghetti squash in particular.
I have been wanting to try spaghetti squash forever, and I haven't been able to find them (when I actually remembered to check) at our local grocery stores. Even more exciting was that I had just pinned this recipe from Pinterest last week, so I immediately knew how I was going to prepare it.
Here's the cast.
First, you need to cook your spaghetti squash. I did not follow the directions that were with the recipe for this part. Instead, I followed these instructions from Chelsea Eats Treats.
I weighed my squash by stepping on the scale with and without the squash and doing a little subtraction. The squash was around 4 lbs. First, I stabbed it with a sharp knife quite a few times. Then I put it in a microwaveable dish and cooked it on high for about 16 minutes.
When it was finished cooking, I sliced the squash in half.
Then I scooped out the seeds and the slimier looking strands.
While the squash was cooking, I sliced a couple of bell peppers. I didn't have a green one like the recipe called for, so I just used what I had on hand.
Next, I sauteed the peppers in a tablespoon of olive oil until they started to brown. Then I added the cooked squash and spaghetti sauce to the peppers.
Finally, I added the parmesan cheese and served up a plateful.
This was delicious! I questioned whether it would really be very filling, but it was great! I loved it, and I can't wait to try spaghetti squash again soon.
Fun fact: Spaghetti squash has only 42 calories per cup! AND if you eat spaghetti once each week and replaced traditional noodles with spaghetti squash, you would lose 2.5 lbs. over the course of a year! Without even trying!
Pepper and Squash Parmesan
- 1 medium spaghetti squash
- 2 bell peppers, sliced
- 3 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese
- 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce
- 1 Tbsp. olive oil
1. Using a sharp knife, stab slits in squash. Place the squash in a microwaveable dish and cook for 4 - 5 minutes per pound. The squash is cooked when you can easily press down on the outside skin. Slice the squash in half and remove the seeds and slimier-looking strands.
2. While spaghetti squash is in microwave, heat skillet on high and saute bell peppers in olive oil until peppers start to brown.
3. Turn heat down to medium. With a fork, scoop spaghetti squash into pan with peppers. Add Parmesan and sauce. Mix all ingredients together over heat for 3 minutes, or until warm.
Question of the Day:
What's your favorite way to prepare spaghetti squash?

Fun pics! Thanks for the spaghetti squash ideas!
Thanks, Maria! It was delicious!!! Just polished off the leftovers for dinner tonight.
Just saw your blog from your comment on peanut butter fingers. Your're blog name is adorable! haha that is too clever! I love your idea of a staycation! Definitely saves money and sometimes its nice to just not have anything to do! And still spend quality time with the family!
Thank you so much Fit For Glory! The staycation has been a lot of fun! My only complaint is that I have too many real life responsibilities I can't escape when we're at home. But, then again, thinking about the money we're saving seems to assuage that pain fairly well. :)
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