Saturday afternoon I had a nervous breakdown became a bit frazzled. I was trying to get some things done, Jeff was at work and the kids were having one of those days where they just could not get along. At all.
Jeff, being the wise man that he is, knew by my weeping and knashing of teeth intuitively that I needed a break when he arrived home. He scooped up the kids and took them out of the house for some errands. He hadn't been gone five minutes when the mailman knocked on my door and delivered this. <Insert hallelujah angel choir>
My Focus T25 and Vanilla Shakeology had finally arrived!!! It was exactly what I needed to get my day turned around.
Sunday afternoon, we broke out the Vanilla Shakeology so we could sample it. It's a brand new flavor in the Shakeology family. It was delicious! It tastes and smells like cake batter. I'm not a coffee drinker myself, but I heard it is amazing with cold coffee and tastes like a Starbucks drink!
Baby girl LOVED the vanilla! She had three helpings.
I'm waiting until next week to start Focus T25. It's killing me because I'm hearing such great reviews, but I'm going to wait patiently and start with my challenge group next Monday. I'll be sure and let you all know what I think.
Happy Monday!
Question of the Day:

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