Meanwhile, we went to watch the little graduate. He was soooo excited! He kept turning around to whisper things to me from his seat.
They performed lots of cute songs. The boy was into it. He kept looking at me to make sure I was clapping. If I didn't start clapping fast enough, he would mouth "CLAP" to me.
Can you spy the boy??? |
Afterward, there was a cookie reception. Here's the boy with his BFF's.
Family photo minus our little songbird.
Memaw and Papa were representing too.
Saturday morning, I got up early and went to workout with my mom. She has been doing Chalean Extreme, and I have been wanting to do one of the workouts with her. We did a weight lifting workout, and I am feeling it today! I loved the combination of upper and lower-body exercises. This program is perfect for anyone wanting to incorporate a combination of weight training and cardio into their fitness routine. Here we are after our workout in all our sweaty glory.
The remainder of Saturday included soccer, baseball, and a FUN birthday party for my favorite one-year-old boy that may or may not have included me jumping in a bouncy house while wearing a fake mustache.
I woke up today to some serious love from the kiddos. Here's the Mother's Day haul.
Please take special note of the card made for me by my oldest.
See me right there in the middle of the world? All those other X's are all the other mothers who are not as good as me. Ha!
We had my mom and dad over for lunch. The menu included:
Grilled Chicken
Fried Squash
Cinnamon Apples
Fruit Salad
Warm, Homemade Sourdough Bread
Here's my colorful plate.
It was pretty delicious if I do say so myself! And I was thankful to spend some time with my precious mother on this special day. She is an amazing mother to 4 who has served all of her children selflessly since birth. She continues to seek opportunities to take care of us even as adults! I am blessed to have her in my life. Love you, Mom!
And equally thankful to spend time with these sweet babies who are responsible for making me a mother.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Question of the Day:
What did you do to celebrate your momma?

1 comment:
As you can see I am one lucky momma!! The meal was wonderful! I have 4 amazing children and Jennifer began my momma journey!! Thanks Jen a memorable Mothers Day!
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