If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen me report that our bathroom scale had broken. I generally weigh myself pretty regularly. I try not to be obsessive about it because weight can fluctuate by several pounds, but I do use it as a tool to help keep me accountable.
Yesterday I bought a new scale. Today was the first chance I'd had to use it. Because I would never weigh myself at any time of day other than first thing in the morning. And I would never weigh myself wearing anything other than my birthday suit. I'm pretty sure it's all part of the unspoken female code of weighing.
I am happy to report that my first time on the scale showed that nothing had changed substantially in the 2 weeks since I'd last weighed. In my mind, I just knew I'd jump on and discover I'd gained 10 lbs., but there were no big surprises.
I did, however, discover that my new scale will remember my weight for me and tell me how many pounds I've gone up or down the next time I step on. I'm not sure how I feel about that....
I followed my big weigh-in with a shower, and then grabbed a banana for breakfast as I headed out the door for a field trip with the boy. We were going to a local train station today to ride the train.
More waiting with his besties.
Finally, we got to ride!
The boy loved it!
So did baby girl.
After the train ride, we had a picnic. Then we headed home and played outside for most of the afternoon. I drank my Shakeology for an afternoon snack. I needed something that would hold me over while I took the oldest to a birthday party. It did the trick!
We plan to spend the rest of the weekend shuffling the kids around to their respective extracurriculars. And hopefully we'll squeeze in a little relaxation as well! Have a great weekend!!!
Question of the Day:
When do you weigh?
We plan to spend the rest of the weekend shuffling the kids around to their respective extracurriculars. And hopefully we'll squeeze in a little relaxation as well! Have a great weekend!!!
Question of the Day:
When do you weigh?

This is the fifth time I have typed a comment. I hope it posts. I weigh daily.
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