Now that my blog is off and running, I need to thank a few of my peeps. Starting with my husband, who is and always has been my #1 fan. He believes in me even more than I believe in myself, and I like to think I have a pretty healthy self-esteem. :) Thanks, Jeff!!!
Try not to swoon, ladies! He's taken!!!
Seriously though, is there anything better than a man who loves his kids?!
Seriously though, is there anything better than a man who loves his kids?!
I also want to thank Robin, who is an amazing writer and blogger. Some of you may have seen her blog, Pensieve. It you haven't yet, it's definitely worth taking a moment to check it out. Robin was kind enough to sit down with me and give me all the ins and outs of blogging before I got things started. That was greatly appreciated because I am far from technically savvy!
Finally, I'd like to thank Audra from Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. She taught my oldest in school last year, and we've shared some of our common interests over the last few months. Second to Jeff, she has been my biggest blogging fan! She diligently attempted to post my blog's first comment multiple times when I was having technical difficulties. Once things were running smoothly, she came back again to recreate her comment. Talk about a dedicated blogger friend!
Then she went above and beyond and devoted a whole post on her blog to how much she enjoys reading my blog!!! I'm pretty sure we're BFFs now. That kind of stuff bonds you for life. She's also got 2 adorable kids and an inspiring fitness story that I love.
AND she likes making PB&Js on Sundays just like me. I'm thinking we were somehow separated at birth. I also want her to come be my stylist and decorator because she has amazing taste. Thank you, Audra!!!
To all those that have taken the time to leave comments, message me, or stop me in person and tell me how much you like the blog - THANK YOU!!! Your comments mean the world to me, and I appreciate you taking the time to let me know that I'm not just writing to Jeff and my mom. :)
Do you have a blog I should be reading? Tell me in the comments below!
To all those that have taken the time to leave comments, message me, or stop me in person and tell me how much you like the blog - THANK YOU!!! Your comments mean the world to me, and I appreciate you taking the time to let me know that I'm not just writing to Jeff and my mom. :)
Do you have a blog I should be reading? Tell me in the comments below!

Jeff, your mom, and ME! :)
Seriously, thanks for the kind words. Made me blush. :)
I'll have to forward you some blogs that I read on a daily basis...along with yours!
I'm glad you liked it! And sounds good!!! :)
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